Configuring html2pdf constructor

1. Default values from config file

Optionally, you can change the default values for html2pdf constructor by adding this configuration to your ./config/autoload/global.php.

Note, you don't need set all options, only those you need to override.

return [
    'zff-html2pdf' => [
        //HTML2PDF factory options
        'options' => [
            'orientation' => 'P',
            'format'      => 'A4',
            'lang'        => 'en',
            'unicode'     => true,
            'encoding'    => 'UTF-8',
            'margins'      => [0, 0, 0, 0],

2. Change default values in controller

Another way to change the default values for html2pdf constructor in a single action is overriding the options by setting them in Html2PdfModel like below.

Note, these options will be merged with the options defined on config file. It will override the config file when necessary.


use Zff\Html2Pdf\View\Model\Html2PdfModel;


    public function myAction()
        $model = new Html2PdfModel();
            'orientation' => 'P',
            'format'      => 'A4',
            'lang'        => 'en',
            'unicode'     => true,
            'encoding'    => 'UTF-8',
            'margins'      => [0, 0, 0, 0],

        return $model;